!PsUsils - Front end to psutils package. Frontend (C) Graham Jones, 1995 Psutils package (C) Angus Duggan memory( Next initialise the application with the WIMP, giving the task name, sprite name and selecting buffer size of 1024. font_init grj_wimp_init("PSUtils Frontend","!psutils", ,2048,200,0) Set up out error trap : grj_update_bartext( "Psnup" ) wimp_error(1, $+" at line "+ wimp_quit Setup various variables CL$(6): 6 command lines wins%(6), psize%(6,2), custom_page%(6,2,2): pane% 2048 pages%(20,5) pagespecs% = malloc(24) psnupwin%=0 pstopswin%=1 psbookwin%=2 epsffitwin%=3 psresizewin%=4 psselectwin%=5 config_name$ = "" config_on_save% = curr_selection% = psnupwin% infile$ = "" psize%(psnupwin%,0) = 1 psize%(psnupwin%,1) = 1 psize%(pstopswin%,0) = 1 psize%(psresizewin%,0) = 1 psize%(psresizewin%,1) = 1 size_win% = -1 nup_win% = -1 big_page_open% = pw% = 0: ph% = 0: sc = 1.0 mag% = 1: div% = 1 flags_off% = 4 scale_off% = 5 xoff_off% = 10 yoff_off% = 15 fl% = %00000001 fr% = %00000010 fu% = %00000100 fsc% = %00001000 fplus% = %00010000 fend% = %00100000 foff% = %01000000 I%=0 J% = 0 A# custom_page%(I%, J%, 0)=595 B# custom_page%(I%, J%, 1)=842 Next initialise the templates routines. This takes no parameters. win_init(10) PROCfont_init JHtrin% = font_gethandle("Trinity.Medium", 12, 12) : Lets try this temp_init transfer_init create_windows setup_menus setup_windows mid_save% = saving%= drag_action% = 1 psnup_CL pstops_CL epsffit_CL psbook_CL psresize_CL psselect_CL wimp_poll(0,0,0) Never reached but it doesn't feel right not being there! wimp_mainmenu create_windows Now we can read the application's templates file : temp_readfile(".Templates",2600) n$ info% = win_createwin("Info") oB psnup% = win_createwin("PSNup") : wins%(psnupwin%) = psnup% pF pstops% = win_createwin("PsToPs") : wins%(pstopswin%) = pstops% qJ epsffit% = win_createwin("EpsfFit") : wins%(epsffitwin%) = epsffit% rF psbook% = win_createwin("PsBook") : wins%(psbookwin%) = psbook% sN psresize% = win_createwin("PsResize") : wins%(psresizewin%) = psresize% tN psselect% = win_createwin("PsSelect") : wins%(psselectwin%) = psselect% u) savewin% = win_createwin("SaveAs") v, topspane% = win_createwin("toPsPane") w0 pstopsedit% = win_createwin("PstoPsEdit") get_pagesize(pstopswin%, 0, 5, pw%, ph%) z7 sc = 216/pw%: sc1 = 184/ph%: (sc1 < sc) sc = sc1 pw% = pw% * sc: ph% = ph% * sc win_resize(topspane%, pw%*sc, ph%*sc) win_closewin(topspane%) setup_psnup icon_shade(psnup%,5) icon_shade(psnup%,6) icon_settext(psnup%, 25, "A4") icon_shade(psnup%,3) icon_shade(psnup%,4) icon_settext(psnup%, 26, "A4") icon_shade(psnup%,8) icon_shade(psnup%,9) icon_shade(psnup%,10) icon_shade(psnup%,11) get_pagesize( psnupwin%, 0, 5, X%, Y% ) icon_settext(wins%(psnupwin%), 5, (X%)) icon_settext(wins%(psnupwin%), 6, (Y%)) get_pagesize( psnupwin%, 1, 3, X%, Y% ) icon_settext(wins%(psnupwin%), 3, (X%)) icon_settext(wins%(psnupwin%), 4, (Y%)) setup_pstops icon_shade(pstops%,5) icon_shade(pstops%,6) icon_settext(pstops%, 3, "A4") icon_shade(pstops%,10) get_pagesize( pstopswin%, 0, 5, X%, Y% ) icon_settext(wins%(pstopswin%), 5, (X%)) icon_settext(wins%(pstopswin%), 6, (Y%)) setup_epsffit setup_psbook setup_psresize icon_shade(psresize%,5) icon_shade(psresize%,6) icon_settext(psresize%, 3, "A4") get_pagesize( psresizewin%, 0, 5, X%, Y% ) icon_settext(wins%(psresizewin%), 5, (X%)) icon_settext(wins%(psresizewin%), 6, (Y%)) icon_shade(psresize%,13) icon_shade(psresize%,14) icon_settext(psresize%, 10, "A4") get_pagesize( psresizewin%, 1, 13, X%, Y% ) icon_settext(wins%(psresizewin%), 13, (X%)) icon_settext(wins%(psresizewin%), 14, (Y%)) setup_psselect setup_windows setup_psnup setup_pstops setup_epsffit setup_psbook setup_psresize setup_psselect setup_menus this_name$, i% Next initialise the menu library, stating that we intend to have 2 menus (we can change this value later if more are needed). menu_init(3) Create the first (number 0) menu, giving it a title of "Test App" and giving it 3 entries : menu_header("PsUtils",0,8) menu_header("",1,1) menu_header("Page sizes",2,14) Now create the 3 entries, one being "Info", the second "Sub Menu" and the third "Quit". menu_additem(0,0,"Info",menu_dotted) menu_additem(0,2,"Ps to Ps",0) menu_additem(0,1,"Ps Nup",menu_tick) menu_additem(0,3,"Ps Book",0) menu_additem(0,4,"Epsf Fit",0) menu_additem(0,5,"Ps Resize",0) menu_additem(0,6,"Ps Select",menu_dotted) menu_additem(0,7,"Quit",0) menu_additem(1,0,"Configure",0) i% = 1 menu_submenu(0,i%,1) menu_subwindow(0,0,info%) menu_additem(2,0,"Custom",menu_dotted) i% = 1 # this_name$ = page_name(i%) @ this_name$ = toupper( this_name$, 1)) + this_name$, 2) ( menu_additem(2,i%,this_name$,0) event_menuselection(B%) Find out what entry in the first menu was selected _wimp_oldmenu%=0 !B% 2 curr_selection% = curr_selection% A 7: Sub menu, follow it down wimp_quit # pstops_menu(!B%, B%!4) , _wimp_oldmenu% = 2 page_menu(!B%) page_menu(sel%) X%,Y% new_nup% = sel% resize_in% = 0 to_shade% = 5 show_size% = 3 real_win% = size_win% ((size_win% < 0) (real_win% = -psresize%)) real_win% = -size_win% resize_in% = 1 to_shade% = 13 show_size% = 10 5 ((size_win% < 0) (real_win% = -psnup%)) real_win% = -size_win% resize_in% = 1 to_shade% = 3 show_size% = 25 (real_win% = psnup%) show_size% = 26 * this_win% = which_winnum(real_win%) menu_untick(2, psize%(this_win%,resize_in%)) - psize%(this_win%,resize_in%) = new_nup% menu_tick(2, psize%(this_win%,resize_in%)) psize%(this_win%,resize_in%)=0 , Un-grey out the width/height boxes 1 icon_unshade(wins%(this_win%),to_shade%) 3 icon_unshade(wins%(this_win%),to_shade%+1) / icon_shade(wins%(this_win%),to_shade%) !1 icon_shade(wins%(this_win%),to_shade%+1) psize%(this_win%,resize_in%) = 0 %3 X% = custom_page%(this_win%, resize_in%, 0) &3 Y% = custom_page%(this_win%, resize_in%, 1) '= icon_settext(wins%(this_win%), show_size%, "Custom") (9 icon_settext(wins%(this_win%), to_shade%, (X%)) ); icon_settext(wins%(this_win%), to_shade%+1, (Y%)) += this_name$ = page_name(psize%(this_win%,resize_in%)) ,A this_name$ = toupper( this_name$, 1)) + this_name$, 2) -? icon_settext(wins%(this_win%), show_size%, this_name$) .A Get the page size and put it into the appropriate icons /A get_pagesize( this_win%, resize_in%, to_shade%, X%, Y% ) 09 icon_settext(wins%(this_win%), to_shade%, (X%)) 1; icon_settext(wins%(this_win%), to_shade%+1, (Y%)) pstops_menu(sel%, sub%) X%,Y%,x%,y% There is only one menu item on the submenu and it must have been clicked. (sub% = -1) ;* menu_untick(0, curr_selection%+1) <$ curr_selection% = (sel%) - 1 =( menu_tick(0, curr_selection%+1) curr_selection% psnupwin%: @( grj_update_bartext("PsNup") pstopswin%: B) grj_update_bartext("PsToPs") epsffitwin%: D* grj_update_bartext("EpsfFit") psresizewin%: F+ grj_update_bartext("PsResize") psbookwin%: H) grj_update_bartext("PsBook") psselectwin%: J+ grj_update_bartext("PsSelect") K which% = sel%-1 N; (big_page_open%) (which% = wins%(pstopswin%)) O) win_getsize(wins%(which%),x%,y%) os_screensize(X%,Y%) Q9 win_movewin(wins%(which%),(X%-x%) 2,(Y%-y%) R& !B%= win_handle(wins%(which%)) &400CB,,B% B%!28 = -1 &400C5,,B% call_setup(which%) call_setup(num%) num% psnupwin%: psnup_setup pstopswin%: pstops_setup epsffitwin%: epsffit_setup psbookwin%: psbook_setup psresizewin%: psresize_setup psselectwin%: psselect_setup call_CL(num%) num% psnup%: psnup_CL pstops%: pstops_CL epsffit%: epsffit_CL psbook%: psbook_CL psresize%: psresize_CL psselect%: psselect_CL event_iconbaradjust(B%) }4 new_selection% = ((curr_selection%+1) 6) + 1 pstops_menu( new_selection%, -1 ) event_iconbarselect(B%) X%,Y%,x%,y%,xmin%,ymin%,xmax%,ymax% saving% = = (big_page_open%) (curr_selection% = pstopswin%) 2 win_getsize(wins%(curr_selection%),x%,y%) os_screensize(X%,Y%) F win_getextent(wins%(curr_selection%),xmin%,ymin%,xmax%,ymax%) B win_movewin(wins%(curr_selection%),(X%-x%) 2,(Y%-y%) / !B%= win_handle(wins%(curr_selection%)) &400CB,,B% B%!28 = -1 &400C5,,B% $ call_setup(curr_selection%) transfer_willload(type%, open%) ( (type% = &FF5) (open% = 0 if it's PostScript and not a dataopen = = ENDFN transfer_loadfile(name$, type%, is_safe%) x%,y%,z%,w%,h% infile$ = name$ icon_settext(savewin%, 2, infile$) Do a save drag to get an output filename, then get all the PSNup options set and call the program x%,y%,z% win_getsize(savewin%,w%,h%) : Get window size into x%,y% win_movewin(savewin%,x%, y%) icon_setcaret(savewin%, 2, -1) saving% = savewin_click(icon%, but%) Just got a mouse click, now check for a drag with it. (icon%=0) ((but% = 16) (but% = 64)) N transfer_startdrag( icon_gettext(savewin%, 2), &FF5, 10, savewin%, 0) icon%=1 , Check the file has a path with it. - outfile$ = icon_gettext(savewin%, 2) outfile$, ".") = 0 h hello%= wimp_messagebox( , "Warning from PSUtils","Drag the file icon to a directory to save") & if it has then save the file > otherwise pop up a warning window and tell the user. - transfer_savefile(outfile$, &FF5, 0) ( but%=4 win_closewin(savewin%) click_ok(win%, but%) which_win% Any of the config windows. % which_win% = win_findwin(win%) call_CL(which_win%) (which_win% = pstops%) (but% = 1) 0 win_resize(topspane%, pw%*sc, ph%*sc) ' !pane% = win_handle(pstops%) * "Wimp_GetWindowState",, pane% 1 "Wimp_SendMessage", 2, pane%, !pane% # win_redrawwin(topspane%) mid_save% 9 which_winnum(which_win%) = curr_selection%) mid_save% = 3 transfer_savefile(config_name$, &FF5, 0) 0 Call the PROC to save the file ..... (but% = 4) ! win_closewin(which_win%) 8 (which_win% = pstops%) win_closewin(topspane%) page_click(win%, but%, icon%) but% <> 0 x%,y%,z% resize% = nup% = ; win_findwin(win%) = psresize%) (icon%=15)) resize% = ( new_win% = - win_findwin(win%) new_real% = -new_win% new_resize% = 1 : win_findwin(win%) = psnup%) (icon%=29)) resize% = * new_win% = - win_findwin(win%) ! new_real% = -new_win% new_resize% = 1 ) new_win% = win_findwin(win%) new_real% = new_win% new_resize% = 0 resize_in% = 0 real_win% = size_win% (size_win% < -1) real_win% = -size_win% resize_in% = 1 W (real_win% <> -1) menu_untick(2, psize%( which_winnum(real_win%),resize_in%)) size_win% = new_win% real_win% = new_real% C menu_tick(2, psize%( which_winnum(real_win%),new_resize%)) menu_popup(2, x%,y%) psnup_click(B%) (B%!16=12) (B%!16=29) % page_click(B%!12,B%!8,B%!16) icon% = B%!16 M Put any other checks before this section 'cos it doesn't check icon 3 number before getting in there and acting . icon_getselect( psnup%, icon% )) 0 (icon%=13) icon_unshade( psnup%,8 ) . (icon%=14) icon_unshade(psnup%,9) / (icon%=19) icon_unshade(psnup%,10) / (icon%=20) icon_unshade(psnup%,11) , (icon%=13) icon_shade(psnup%,8) , (icon%=14) icon_shade(psnup%,9) - (icon%=19) icon_shade(psnup%,10) - (icon%=20) icon_shade(psnup%,11) pstops_click(B%) (B%!16=12) % page_click(B%!12,B%!8,B%!16) icon% = B%!16 M Put any other checks before this section 'cos it doesn't check icon 3 number before getting in there and acting / icon_getselect( pstops%, icon% )) 2 (icon%=11) icon_unshade( pstops%,10 ) 0 (icon%=11) icon_shade( pstops%,10 ) epsffit_click(B%) psbook_click(B%) psresize_click(B%) (B%!16=12) (B%!16=15) +% page_click(B%!12,B%!8,B%!16) psselect_click(B%) event_mouseclick(B%) B%!12= win_handle(savewin%) savewin_click(B%!16, B%!8): IF (FNwin_findwin(B%!12) = topspane%) PROCopen_bigpage: ENDPROC B%!16=1 click_ok(B%!12, B%!8): win_findwin(B%!12) psnup%: psnup_click(B%) pstops%: pstops_click(B%) epsffit%: epsffit_click(B%) psbook%: psbook_click(B%) psresize%: psresize_click(B%) psselect%: psselect_click(B%) topspane%: open_bigpage WHEN pstopsedit%: PROCbigpage_click(B%) open_bigpage x%, y%, X%, Y% big_page_open% = win_closewin(pstops%): win_closewin(topspane%) get_pagesize(pstopswin%, 0, 5, x%, y%) win_setextent(pstopsedit%, 0, -y%*mag%/div%, x%*mag%/div%, 0) win_resize(pstopsedit%, x%*mag%/div%, y%*mag%/div%) os_screensize(X%,Y%) win_movewin(pstopsedit%,(X%-x%) 2,(Y%-y%) transfer_savefile(name$, type%, safe%) saving%= win_closewin(savewin%) saving%= config_on_save% [2 win_getsize(wins%(curr_selection%),x%,y%) os_screensize(X%,Y%) ]B win_movewin(wins%(curr_selection%),(X%-x%) 2,(Y%-y%) ^$ call_setup(curr_selection%) config_name$ = name$ mid_save% = a hello% = FNwimp_messagebox(FALSE, "Command line", CL$(curr_selection%)+" "+infile$+" "+name$) "Wimp_StartTask",CL$(curr_selection%)+" "+infile$+" "+name$ "OS_File",18,name$,&FF5 psnup_CL the selections lscape$, seascape$, swap$, cols$, sheet$, page$, border$, scale$ outsize$, pages$, insize$ Get the variables to the command line icon_getselect(psnup%, 15) lscape$ = " -l" lscape$="" icon_getselect(psnup%, 16) seascape$ = " -r" seascape$="" icon_getselect(psnup%, 17) swap$ = " -f" swap$="" icon_getselect(psnup%, 18) cols$ = " -c" cols$="" icon_getselect(psnup%, 19) border$ = " -d"+ icon_gettext(psnup%, 10) border$="" icon_getselect(psnup%, 20) scale$ = " -s"+ icon_gettext(psnup%, 11) scale$="" icon_getselect(psnup%, 13) sheet$ = " -m"+ icon_gettext(psnup%, 8) sheet$="" icon_getselect(psnup%, 14) page$ = " -b"+ icon_gettext(psnup%, 9) page$="" w- pages$ = " -"+ icon_gettext(psnup%, 27) pages$ = " -" pages$="" Graham - save the custom size here, if a custom on selected psize%(psnupwin%,0) = 0 }0 get_pagesize( psnupwin%, 0, 5, X%, Y% ) ~* custom_page%(psnupwin%, 0, 0) = X% * custom_page%(psnupwin%, 0, 1) = Y% * outsize$ = " -w"+ (X%)+" -h"+ 8 outsize$ = " -p"+ page_name(psize%(psnupwin%,0)) Graham - save the custom size here, if a custom one is selected psize%(psnupwin%,1) = 0 0 get_pagesize( psnupwin%, 1, 3, X%, Y% ) * custom_page%(psnupwin%, 1, 0) = X% * custom_page%(psnupwin%, 1, 1) = Y% ) insize$ = " -W"+ (X%)+" -H"+ 7 insize$ = " -P"+ page_name(psize%(psnupwin%,1)) w CL$(psnupwin%) = "psnup "+outsize$+insize$+lscape$+seascape$+swap$+cols$+page$+sheet$+border$+scale$+pages$+" -q" Only needs the files now pstops_CL the selections border$, size$, pages$, bind$ Get the variables to the command line icon_getselect(pstops%, 9) bind$ = " -b" bind$="" icon_getselect(pstops%, 11) border$ = " -d"+ icon_gettext(pstops%, 10) border$="" - pages$ = " "+ icon_gettext(pstops%, 13) pages$ = " " pages$=" Default!!!!" psize%(pstopswin%,0) = 0 1 get_pagesize( pstopswin%, 0, 5, X%, Y% ) + custom_page%(pstopswin%, 0, 0) = X% + custom_page%(pstopswin%, 0, 1) = Y% ' size$ = " -w"+ (X%)+" -h"+ 6 size$ = " -p"+ page_name(psize%(pstopswin%,0)) B CL$(pstopswin%) = "pstops "+size$+bind$+border$+" -q"+pages$ pagespecs(pages$) get_pagesize(pstopswin%, 0, 5, pw%, ph%) 7 sc = 216/pw%: sc1 = 184/ph%: (sc1 < sc) sc = sc1 pw% = pw% * sc: ph% = ph% * sc epsffit_CL c$,r$,a$,m$,s$,llx$,lly$,urx$,ury$ icon_getselect(epsffit%, 0) c$ = " -c" c$="" icon_getselect(epsffit%, 2) m$ = " -m" m$="" icon_getselect(epsffit%, 3) r$ = " -r" r$="" icon_getselect(epsffit%, 4) s$ = " -s" s$="" icon_getselect(epsffit%, 5) a$ = " -a" a$="" ) llx$=" "+ icon_gettext(epsffit%, 6) ) lly$=" "+ icon_gettext(epsffit%, 8) * urx$=" "+ icon_gettext(epsffit%, 10) * ury$=" "+ icon_gettext(epsffit%, 12) (llx$ = " ") (lly$ = " ") (urx$ = " ") (ury$ = " ") } fred% = wimp_messagebox( , "Warning", "EpsfFit: Must define x and y coords for lower left and upper right position") F CL$(epsffitwin%) = "epsffit "+c$+r$+a$+m$+s$+llx$+lly$+urx$+ury$ psbook_CL sig$ * sig$=" -s"+ icon_gettext(psbook%, 2) sig$=" -s" sig$="" & CL$(psbookwin%)="psbook -q"+sig$ psresize_CL size$,minsize$ psize%(psresizewin%,0) = 0 3 get_pagesize( psresizewin%, 0, 5, X%, Y% ) - custom_page%(psresizewin%, 0, 0) = X% - custom_page%(psresizewin%, 0, 1) = Y% ' size$ = " -w"+ (X%)+" -h"+ 8 size$ = " -p"+ page_name(psize%(psresizewin%,0)) psize%(psresizewin%,1) = 0 4 get_pagesize( psresizewin%, 1, 13, X%, Y% ) - custom_page%(psresizewin%, 1, 0) = X% - custom_page%(psresizewin%, 1, 1) = Y% ) insize$ = " -W"+ (X%)+" -H"+ : insize$ = " -P"+ page_name(psize%(psresizewin%,1)) 6 CL$(psresizewin%)="psresize"+size$+insize$+" -q" psselect_CL e$,o$,r$,pages$ icon_getselect(psselect%, 0) e$ = " -e" e$="" icon_getselect(psselect%, 2) o$ = " -o" o$="" icon_getselect(psselect%, 3) r$ = " -r" r$="" . pages$=" -p"+ icon_gettext(psselect%, 4) pages$=" -p" pages$="" 5 CL$(psselectwin%)="psselect -q"+e$+o$+r$+pages$ which_winnum(win%) i% = 0 wins%(i%) = win% =i% H fred%= wimp_messagebox( , "Error!", "Window not found somewhere!") psnup_setup psize%(psnupwin%, 1) = 7 icon_setcaret(psnup%, 3, -1) psize%(psnupwin%, 0) = 7 % icon_setcaret(psnup%, 5, -1) & icon_setcaret(psnup%, 27, -1) pstops_setup width%, height% temp% 2048 : Really temp? % !pane% = win_handle(topspane%) "Wimp_GetWindowState",, pane% # !temp% = win_handle(pstops%) "Wimp_GetWindowState",, temp% pane%!28 = -1 H width% = (pane%!12 - pane%!4)/2 : height% = (pane%!16 - pane%!8)/2 ' pane%!12 = width% + temp%!4 + 596 ( pane%!16 = height% + temp%!8 + 218 & pane%!4 = temp%!4 + 596 - width% ' pane%!8 = temp%!8 + 218 - height% temp%!28 = !pane% &400C5,,pane% psize%(pstopswin%, 0) = 7 & icon_setcaret(pstops%, 5, -1) ' icon_setcaret(pstops%, 10, -1) get_pagesize(pstopswin%, 0, 5, pw%, ph%) 7 sc = 216/pw%: sc1 = 184/ph%: (sc1 < sc) sc = sc1 pw% = pw% * sc: ph% = ph% * sc epsffit_setup icon_setcaret(epsffit%, 10, -1) psbook_setup icon_setcaret(psbook%, 2, -1) psresize_setup psize%(psresizewin%, 0) = 7 icon_setcaret(psresize%, 5, -1) psize%(psresizewin%, 1) = 7 -( icon_setcaret(psresize%, 13, -1) psselect_setup icon_setcaret(psselect%, 4, -1) event_keypress(B%) B%!24 <> &0D 8# "Wimp_ProcessKey", B%!24 :" which% = win_findwin(!B%) icon_select(which%, 1) x% = TIME REPEAT UNTIL TIME = x%+15 which% = savewin% ?/ outfile$ = icon_gettext(savewin%, 2) @! outfile$, ".") = 0 Aj hello%= wimp_messagebox( , "Warning from PSUtils","Drag the file icon to a directory to save") D/ transfer_savefile(outfile$, &FF5, 0) E F& Any of the config windows. call_CL(which%) mid_save% K9 which_winnum(which%) = curr_selection%) mid_save% = M7 transfer_savefile(config_name$, &FF5, 0) N4 Call the PROC to save the file ..... R! icon_deselect(which%, 1) S4 (which% = pstops%) win_closewin(topspane%) T< win_closewin(which%) : Close the window whatever. event_closewindow(I%) handle%, x%, y%, b% win_findwin(!I%) = pstopsedit%) x%, y%, b% b% = 1 ^K An attempt to check if the right button was pressed at the time _% win_getsize(pstops%,x%,y%) os_screensize(X%,Y%) a5 win_movewin(pstops%,(X%-x%) 2,(Y%-y%) b! call_setup(pstopswin%) c d& !I% = win_handle(pstopsedit%) &400C6,,I% big_page_open% = g win_findwin(!I%) = savewin%) &400C6,,I%: l! handle% = win_findwin(!I%) Not sure whether to include this? mid_save% which_winnum(handle%) = curr_selection%) mid_save% = PROCtransfer_savefile(config_name$, &FF5, 0) REM Call the PROC to save the file ..... (handle% = pstops%) t' !pane% = win_handle(topspane%) &400C6,,pane% w !I% = win_handle(handle%) &400C6,,I% event_openwindow(I%) handle%, width%, height% }! handle% = win_findwin(!I%) (handle% = pstops%) ' !pane% = win_handle(topspane%) ( "Wimp_GetWindowState",, pane% - pane%!28 = -1 : I%!28 : REM 216x184 I width% = (pane%!12 - pane%!4)/2: height% = (pane%!16 - pane%!8)/2 & pane%!12 = width% + I%!4 + 596 ' pane%!16 = height% + I%!8 + 218 % pane%!4 = I%!4 + 596 - width% & pane%!8 = I%!8 + 218 - height% I%!28 = !pane% &400C5,,pane% &400C5,,I% pagespecs(strin$) num_pages, dplus%, rel_end%, pn%, l%, r%, u%, br%, sc% bc%, bl%, scale, xoff, yoff, next%, pnext% win_w%, win_h%, curr_page% strin$, ":") = 0 spec$ = strin$ num_pages% = 1 1 num_pages% = strin$, strin$, ":")-1)) ' spec$= strin$, strin$, ":")+1) !pagespecs% = num_pages% dplus% = realloc(pagespecs%, num_pages%*20+4) : 20 bytes * number of pages win_getsize(topspane%, win_w%, win_h%) i% = 1 num_pages% / curr_page% = pagespecs% + (i%-1)*20 + 4 8 !curr_page% = 0 : ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) = 0 J |(curr_page% + scale_off%) = 0.0 : |(curr_page% + xoff_off%) = 0.0 ( |(curr_page% + yoff_off%) = 0.0 Q dplus% ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) = ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) fplus% plus% = spec$, "+") comma% = spec$, ",") (comma% <> 0) > spec$, ")") > comma%) spec$, "(") < comma%) 3 comma% = spec$, spec$, ")")+1), ",") 9 comma% <> 0 comma% = comma% + spec$, ")") < ((plus% < comma%) (plus% <> 0)) (comma% = 0) next% = plus% dplus% = next% = comma% dplus% = next% > 0 ' next_page$ = spec$, next%-1) " spec$ = spec$, next%+1) ) next_page$ = spec$ : spec$ = "" ! next_page$, 1) = "-" rel_end% = 4 next_page$ = next_page$, (next_page$)-1) I ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) = ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) fend% l% = next_page$, "L") r% = next_page$, "R") u% = next_page$, "U") sc% = next_page$, "@") bl% = next_page$, "(") @ pnext% = l% : (pnext% > r%) (pnext% = 0) pnext% = r% 2 (pnext% > u%) (pnext% = 0) pnext% = u% 4 (pnext% > sc%) (pnext% = 0) pnext% = sc% 4 (pnext% > bl%) (pnext% = 0) pnext% = bl% pnext% = 0 pn% = (next_page$) ) pn% = next_page$, pnext%-1)) !curr_page% = pn% l% > 0 l% = G ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) = ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) l% = r% > 0 r% = G ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) = ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) r% = u% > 0 u% = G ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) = ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) u% = sc% = 0 scale = 1.0 ( scale = next_page$, sc%+1)) H ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) = ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) fsc% , |(curr_page% + scale_off%) = scale 5 (bl% <> 0) ((bl% < next%) (next% = 0)) % br$ = next_page$, bl% + 1) bc% = br$, ",") br% = br$, ")") @ x$ = br$, 0, bc%-1): y$ = br$, bc%+1, br% - bc% -1 ) xoff = parse_dim(x$) yoff = parse_dim(y$) I ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) = ?(curr_page% + flags_off%) foff% L |(curr_page% + xoff_off%) = xoff: |(curr_page% + yoff_off%) = yoff & spec$ = "" i% = num_pages%+1 Needed in structure:- Number: Page num (Integer , word) Flags: l, r, u, sc, same_page, reverse, offset (byte) Numbers: Scale, xoffset, yoffset (float multibyte) Mem needed = 4 + 1 + 3*5 bytes = 20 bytes per page event_redraw(B%) more%, i%, lpw%, lph%, x%, y%, curr_page%, x, y, nw, nh, nw%, nh%, win%, rescale, blx%, bly%, col% win% = !B% win_findwin(win%) topspane%: rescale = sc pstopsedit% rescale = mag%/div% "Wimp_RedrawWindow",,B% more% more% < Basically take what is currently in pagespecs% and = draw what you think is a reasonable representation! col% = 11 " i% = 0 (!pagespecs%-1) - curr_page% = pagespecs% + i%*20 + 4 x = 0.0: y = 0 The order is:- Shift then Rotate then Scale But I think it is really the other way around Only scale the dimensions not the coords since they are still zero the hero nw = pw%: nh = ph% 8 (?(curr_page% + flags_off%) fsc%) = fsc% . nw = nw*|(curr_page% + scale_off%) . nh = nh*|(curr_page% + scale_off%) angle% = 0 6 (?(curr_page% + flags_off%) fl%) = fl% angle% = angle% + 90 0 nh, nw: nw = -nw: Well sort of! 6 (?(curr_page% + flags_off%) fr%) = fr% angle% = angle% - 90 0 nh, nw: nh = -nh: Well sort of! 6 (?(curr_page% + flags_off%) fu%) = fu% ! angle% = angle% + 180 nw = -nw: nh = -nh !: (?(curr_page% + flags_off%) foff%) = foff% "I x = |(curr_page% + xoff_off%) : y = |(curr_page% + yoff_off%) $ font_setangle(angle%) %. x = x*rescale: y = (y - ph%)*rescale &* nh = nh*rescale: nw = nw*rescale 'I x% = x: y% = y: Just centre the blob on the point of interest nw% = nw: nh% = nh blx% = x%: bly% = y% *. nw% < 0 x% = x% + nw% : nw% = -nw% +. nh% < 0 y% = y% + nh% : nh% = -nh% ,( nw% = x% + nw%: nh% = y% + nh% pages%(i%,0) = x% pages%(i%,1) = y% pages%(i%,2) = nw% pages%(i%,3) = nh% 16 coord_wintoreal( win_findwin(win%), x%, y%) 2: coord_wintoreal( win_findwin(win%), blx%, bly%) 38 coord_wintoreal( win_findwin(win%), nw%, nh%) 46 blx% = blx% + 8* (nw): bly% = bly% + 8* 5= (?(curr_page% + flags_off%) fplus%) <> fplus% col% = col% + 1 col%=16 col% = 8 9# "Wimp_SetColour", col% pages%(i%,5) = col% ;# x%, y%, nw%-x%, nh%-y% !B% = win% @* "Wimp_GetRectangle",,B% more% get_pagesize(win%, one_two%, icon_start%, w%, dummy$, w$, h$ dummy$ = "" psize%(win%,one_two%) I6 w$ = icon_gettext(wins%(win%), icon_start%) J8 h$ = icon_gettext(wins%(win%), icon_start%+1) w% = parse_dim(w$) h% = parse_dim(h$) w% = 595: h% = 842 w% = 842: h% = 1191 w% = 421: h% = 595 w% = 516: h% = 729 w% = 612: h% = 792 w% = 612: h% = 1008 w% = 1224: h% = 792 w% = 792: h% = 1224 w% = 396: h% = 612 w% = 540: h% = 720 w% = 612: h% = 936 w% = 610: h% = 780 w% = 720: h% = 1008 parse_dim( dim$) c%, p%, i%, m%, u%, s%, error_cond% error_cond% = u% = 0 s% = 999 c% = dim$, "c") p% = dim$, "p") i% = dim$, "i") m% = dim$, "m") (c% <> 0) u% = 1 : s% = c% (p% <> 0) (p% < s%) u% = 2 : s% = p% (i% <> 0) (i% < s%) u% = 3 : s% = i% (m% <> 0) (m% < s%) u% = 4 : s% = m% z( u% = 1: dim$ = (dim$))+"pt" = (dim$) }& dim$, s%+1, 1) <> "m") error_cond% = * dim$ = dim$, s%-1)))+"cm" % = dim$, s%-1))*72/2.54 & dim$, s%+1, 1) <> "t") error_cond% = * dim$ = dim$, s%-1)))+"pt" = dim$, s%-1)) & dim$, s%+1, 1) <> "n") error_cond% = * dim$ = dim$, s%-1)))+"in" = dim$, s%-1))*72 & dim$, s%+1, 1) <> "m") error_cond% = * dim$ = dim$, s%-1)))+"mm" % = dim$, s%-1))*72/25.4 error_cond% dim$ = dim$ ] fred% = wimp_messagebox( , "Error", "Error: Invalid dimension specifier somewhere!") = 0 N fred% = wimp_messagebox( , "Error", "Can't finish this function here!") page_name(page_num%) page_num% [ fred% = wimp_messagebox( , "Error", "Shouldn't have called page_name that way!") = "" = "a4" = "a3" = "a5" = "b5" = "letter" = "legal" = "ledger" = "tabloid" = "statement" = "executive" = "folio" = "quarto" = "10x14" bigpage_click(B%) l%,r%,b%,t%,x%,y%,w%,h%,i% B% contains all details of the mouse click Find where the click was and decide which page was clicked on. x% = !B% : y% = B%!4 coord_realtowin( pstopsedit%, x%, y% ) hitwin% = -1 Find the window number (logical number rather than physical - make sense?) i% = 0 !pagespecs%-1 Check L, R, T and then B ( ( y% >= pages%(i%,1) ) ( y% < pages%(i%,3) ) ) O ( x% - pages%(i%,0) ) <= 4 ) ( x% - pages%(i%,2) ) < 4 ) ) ' hitwin%=i% : i% = !pagespecs% ( ( x% >= pages%(i%,0) ) ( x% < pages%(i%,2) ) ( hitwin% = -1 ) ) O ( y% - pages%(i%,1) ) <= 4 ) ( y% - pages%(i%,3) ) < 4 ) ) ' hitwin%=i% : i% = !pagespecs% hitwin% = -1 Possibly un highlight the previously selected window of something like that hello% = FNwimp_messagebox( FALSE, "Selected page", "Page number "+STR$(hitwin%)+" selected "+STR$(B%!8) ) "Wimp_SetColour", 0+(3<<4) l% = pages%(i%,0) "r% = pages%(i%,2)-pages%(i%,0) b% = pages%(i%,1) "t% = pages%(i%,3)-pages%(i%,1) $!B% = win_handle( pstopsedit% ) 7B%!4 = l% : B%!8 = t% : B%!12 = r%+2 : B%!16 = b%-2 &400C9,,B% more% coord_wintoreal( pstopsedit%, l%, b% ) coord_wintoreal( pstopsedit%, r%, t% ) more% l%,b%,r%-l%,t%-b% &400CA,,B% more% memory(Y%,S%) P%,D%,A%,B%,C%,E%,F%,G%,H%,I%,J%,K%,L%,M%,N%,O%,Q%,R%,T%,U%,V%,Z%,X%,W% copyright$,g%,h%,i%,l%,m%,n%,o% Gcopyright$="Dynamic memory allocation routines, Ian Palmer, 1993" _mem_code% 559 0_mem_error%=Y%:_memdim%=S%: &51 _mpsize% &400EC,-1,-1 _mtop%:_mtop%+=&8000 Z%=0 2:P%=_mem_code%:[OPT Z% !B A%:B B%:B C%:B D%:B R%:B W% H.A%:ADR R4,_memory%:LDR R1,[R4]:.E%:CMP R1,#0:BEQ F%:LDR R2,[R1,#-4] LCMP R2,R0:BGE G%:MOV R4,R1:LDR R1,[R1]:B E%:.F%:MOV R0,#0:ADR R1,_memrv% ESTR R0,[R1]:MOV PC,R14:.G%:LDR R2,[R1]:STR R2,[R4]:ADR R0,_memrv% STR R1,[R0]:MOV PC,R14 M.B%:LDR R5,[R0,#-4]:ADD R6,R5,R0:ADD R6,R6,#4:ADR R4,_memory%:LDR R1,[R4] B.H%:CMP R1,#0:BEQ I%:LDR R2,[R1,#-4]:ADD R3,R2,R1:ADD R3,R3,#4 QCMP R3,R0:BEQ J%:CMP R6,R1:BEQ K%:CMP R1,R0:BGT I%:MOV R4,R1:LDR R1,[R1]:B H% B.I%:STR R0,[R4]:STR R1,[R0]:B L%:.J%:ADD R5,R5,R2:ADD R5,R5,#4 JSTR R5,[R1,#-4]:MOV R0,R1:LDR R1,[R1]:CMP R6,R1:BNE L%:LDR R2,[R1,#-4] I.K%:ADD R5,R5,R2:ADD R5,R5,#4:STR R5,[R0,#-4]:LDR R1,[R1]:STR R1,[R0] 9STR R0,[R4]:.L%:ADR R1,_memrv%:STR R0,[R1]:MOV PC,R14 I.C%:ADR R1,_memory%:.M%:LDR R2,[R1]:CMP R2,#0:BEQ N%:CMP R2,R0:BEQ O% NMOVLT R1,R2:BLT M%:.N%:MOV R1,#0:.O%:ADR R0,_memrv%:STR R1,[R0]:MOV PC,R14 H.R%:ADR R4,_memory%:LDR R2,[R4]:.T%:CMP R2,#0:BEQ U%:LDR R3,[R2,#-4] JADD R3,R3,R2:CMP R3,R0:BEQ V%:MOV R4,R2:LDR R2,[R2]:B T%:.U%:MOV R2,#0 I.V%:ADR R1,_memrv%:STR R2,[R1]:ADR R1,_memrv2%:STR R4,[R1]:MOV PC,R14 B.W%:ADR R1,_memory%:MOV R0,#0:LDR R2,[R1]:.Y%:CMP R2,#0:BEQ S% 1LDR R3,[R2,#-4]:ADD R0,R0,R3:LDR R2,[R2]:B Y% -.S%:ADR R1,_memrv%:STR R0,[R1]:MOV PC,R14 B.D%:STMFD R13!,{R8-R10,R14}:CMP R0,#0:LDMEQFD R13!,{R8-R10,PC} -CMP R1,R2:LDMEQFD R13!,{R8-R10,PC}:BLT l% H.g%:SUBS R0,R0,#32:BLT h%:LDMIA R1!,{R3-R10}:STMIA R2!,{R3-R10}:B g% Q.h%:ADDS R0,R0,#32:.i%:LDMEQFD R13!,{R8-R10,PC}:LDR R4,[R1],#4:STR R4,[R2],#4 SUBS R0,R0,#4:B i% !.l%:ADD R1,R1,R0:ADD R2,R2,R0 H.m%:SUBS R0,R0,#32:BLT n%:LDMDB R1!,{R3-R10}:STMDB R2!,{R3-R10}:B m% D.n%:ADDS R0,R0,#32:.o%:LDMEQFD R13!,{R8-R10,PC}:LDR R4,[R1,#-4]! 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